Monday, 21 April 2014

Embossing Dry or Heat

Hello everyone, hope you all have had a brilliant Easter and have still got some chocolate eggs left.. This post is rather late as it should have gone live last Tuesday(holds head in shame) but I have a rather good excuse, I decided to have a change and move my craft room (yet again) into our spare bedroom this gives me sooo much more space and I have been able to expand (lol). I can't believe it has taken me since last Tuesday to finally get most things in and tidy enough to craft in (pictures to come). 

Anyway on to my project and over on Sweet Stamps the monthly challenge and weekly challenge fall on the same day so we have combined the two.  The theme being...... Embossing dry or powders. 
I have gone for both for my project unfortunately you can't see the heat embossing as my camera would pick up the shine.  

Head on over to the challenge blog to join in the fun..

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